About us

General Goals and Objectives

The overall goal of the Swiss Society of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (SSTMP) is to represent the integrating basis for the common interests of all people in Switzerland working in the fields of tropical medicine and parasitology.

  • The SSTMP is open for all activities in basic and applied research in parasitology as well as in tropical medicine. The activities within these three domains represent the driving force of the SSTMP.
  • The board of the SSTMP encourages and coordinates if necessary individual initiatives and activities within and interactions between these domains.
  • The annual assembly and the annual scientific meeting form the integrating forum where the emphasis is laid on the interdisciplinary aspects of and the critical dialog between the three domains.
  • The SSTMP represents the interests of its members towards other scientific societies, political and educational institutions.


  • The board coordinates all activities of the SSTMP and its commissions.
  • It organizes the annual assembly and the annual scientific meeting of the SSTMP.
  • It plans the budget.
  • It is responsible for the information exchange between the members and the commissions as well as with institutions outside the SSTMP.
  • It is the focal point for all administrative matters concerning the SSTMP as well as the commissions.

Working groups

The working groups help the SSTMP in representing its interests, especially by preparing working documents and propositions to be used for further discussions.