Diagnostic Group

Prof. Dr. Bruno Gottstein (IFIK Bern)

In 2019, the Swiss Society for Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (SSTMP) set up a new working committee “Diagnostic Commission in Medical Parasitology (DCMP)”.

DCMP, anticipated role

This commission is dedicated to any diagnostic activities directly related to medical parasitology (protozoology, helminthology, arachno-entomology). It collaborates with the Clinical Microbiology Commission (CMC) of the Swiss Society for Microbiology (SSM) sand public health authorities, and also other organisations such as to promote and improve laboratory diagnosis in medical parasitology.

DCMP, anticipated activities

  • Defining requirements and elaborating “standards” for the quality control and external quality assessment for the laboratory diagnosis of parasitic diseases in humans.
  • Collaboration with authorities with regards to the list of analyses (AL) and pricing.
  • Advocacy in the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) and respective ‘Study Group for Clinical Parasitology’ (ESGCP) and other similarily affiliated associations and federations.

Presently, the member list includes the following persons and Swiss institutions:

Prof. Dr. Bruno Gottstein (IFIK Bern)
Dr. Sven Poppert, Dr. Beatrice Nickel, Dr. Therese Ruf (Swiss TPH, Basel)
Dr. Felix Grimm (IPZ Zürich)
Dr. Konrad Mühlethaler (IFIK Bern)
Dr. Olivier Dubuis (Viollier Basel)
Dr. Eugenie Gay (Dianalabs Geneva)
Dr. Rahel Wampfler (MCL Switzerland)
Dr. Martin Risch (Dr. Risch Switzerland)
Dr. Pietro Antonini (CL Moncucco Lugano)
MSc Marie-Lise Tritten (ADMED La Chaux-de-Fonds)
Dr. Abdessalam Cherkaoui (HUG Geneva)
Dr. Gilbert Greub (CHUV Lausanne)
Dr. Michael Nägele (Bioanalytica Luzern)